Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lights! Camera!.. Actor!

Today is Actors Day, 
a day of appreciation for actors.

I would like to accept this day on behalf of all actors. First of all I want to thank God, because without him nothing at all would be possible. I want to thank my mother for coordinating the play that became my acting debut (in which I co-stared beside Mr Curtis Roth as a puppy belonging to Sherlock Holmes. I think it was a Christmas play... I was 4.) I would like to thank Miss Missy Armentrout McCollam for allowing me to apprentice for 2 years in her lovely theatre, Mr Phil Smith for teaching me the art of bitter sarcasm (which has little to do with acting, it just mostly took place at the theatre) and Diana Vera for being weirder than I am. And I would like to thank Mr Paul May for allowing me to work for Clear Vision Drama Company, especially without having auditioned. *bow*

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12, 2011

So, try as I might, I simply cannot find a holiday for today! So I decided to focus on this week, instead of this day. This week in  is Random Acts of Kindness Week.

You know what the best kind of random act of kindness is? The anonymous kind. Do something kind and random...something you won't get acknowledged for. Trust me. There's nothing like it, and you won't regret it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 11:11

Its 11/11/11! Make a wish! At 11:11. Most epic wish ever....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Semper Fi

Today is Forget Me Not Day. Ironically I have to address the fact that I forgot yesterday's holiday, first. Sorry guys! Yesterday was Go To An Art Museum Today Day! Hopefully you all did that...

Okay! Today is Forget Me Not Day. It's a day to get in touch with people you've lost touch with. Pretty simple. Give 'em a card, mail them a packet of forget me not seeds or, lets just say it, facebook message them. Fun fact- Because of the shape of the stem and pattern of growth, it's not entirely uncommon for forget me not flowers to grow in a heart shaped pattern.

It's also the Marine Corps's 236th birthday. Semper Fi!  The birthday of the Corp is celebrated by Marines with birthday cake. The first piece is always given to the oldest Marine present who then passes it off to the youngest Marine present.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Vote for Chinese

It's Election Day! Get out there and vote for something...

It's also Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day. It may or may not have ties with the fact that it's Gordon Ramsey's birthday, but that's purely speculation since I couldn't find anything definitive on that.
I always thought of pungent as a strong smell, which it is. But did you know it's also one of the 6 tastes? I didn't. Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, astringent and pungnent. Fascinating. Pungent foods are hot, dry and light, like chili peppers, onions, garlic and scallions and herbs and spices like black pepper, ginger and chives.

So basically, anything with those foods... Hmmm. Good luck, and don't forget a mint afterwards. This has been Cooking with Lori.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Hey, it's Hug a Bear Day,.I'm not telling you how to celebrate, but I am strongly suggesting you pick a fake one, not a real one. Like me! I've shared my bear with you guys before and I'm happy to report- today I had lots of cuddle time with my main squeeze.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

Today is all about all things cheesy and silly...musically, that is.

Today is Saxophone day, named after the inventor, Adolphe Sax. It's celebrated on the 6th of November every year, Sax's (the man, not the instrument) birthday. Bonus points to anyone who can name a famous saxophone player, not Kenny G. Bonus bonus points if you say me :)

In what is, I'm sure, a completely unrelated note (note, get it?) it's also Marching Band Day!
I wasn't really sure how to celebrate, so I wore a plume all day.... just kidding.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Did You Remember?

Remember, remember the 5th of November- the gunpowder, treason and plot.

It's Guy Fawkes Day!
Guy Fawkes was a Brit who fought for 3 years in the 80 Years War (British Catholics vs. Dutch Protestants). Then in 1604 Fawkes joined a plot to assassinate King James I (a protestant). His job was, um yeah, to guard the gun powder. They were planning on blowing up the Parliament House. 36 barrels of gunpowder they caught the guy with. He was to be hanged, but jumped first. The original purpose of 'celebrating' Guy Fawkes Day was to remind people what happens when you try to stand up against the government (hunger games, anyone?), but now it's been completely turned around and celebrated in honor of Fawkes's bravery in standing up to make a change. I'm not sure how to work it in, but V for Vendetta deserves a mention somewhere here.
Most people know the first couple lines to the poem, but if you've never heard the rest, here you go:

Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot ;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
'Twas his intent.
To blow up the King and the Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below.
Poor old England to overthrow.
By God's providence he was catch'd,
With a dark lantern and burning match

Holloa boys, Holloa boys, let the bells ring
Holloa boys, Holloa boys, God save the King!

Hip hip Hoorah !
Hip hip Hoorah !

A penny loaf to feed ol'Pope,
A farthing cheese to choke him.
A pint of beer to rinse it down,
A faggot of sticks to burn him.
Burn him in a tub of tar,'
Burn him like a blazing star.
Burn his body from his head,
Then we'll say: ol'Pope is dead.

Today's also Donut Day! Not National Donut Day, that's in June. But it's Donut Day. I definitely support two donut days in one year. Enjoy :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Today is Peanut Butter Lovers Day! And I'm not at all disappointed to say that to celebrate yesterday (Sandwich Day) I ate PB&J and today I'm doin the same!

J. H. and W. K. Kellogg (yes, Kellogg of the cereal empire) got a patent in 1895 for a "Process of Preparing Nutmeal" which produced a pasty adhesive substance they called nut-butter.

At some point, however, in the 1890s a doctor by the name of Ambrose Straub had a peanut butter making machine patented in order to provide protein to toothless elderly. Hmm.

Who knows who did what first, all I know is I sure do love Jiffy!

And this isn't exactly a holiday but in case anyone was wondering (I'm pretty sure you weren't) today is the anniversary of the discovery of Genie. On November 4, 1970, Genie, a feral child at the approximate age of 13, was discovered. She had spent her entire life in a basement strapped to a chair. She's the most severe case of documented social isolation in history. Her father was extremely abusive, not allowing her to vocalize and not allowing anyone to speak to or around her. At the age of 13 she had a vocabulary of 20 words (the equivalent of a 22 month old child). At first, a social worker guessed Genie to be about 6 or 7 and possibly have autism. After a lot of therapy, care and nurturing Genie learned social skills, grew her vocabulary and became a quite pleasant girl. She was studied mostly by scientists and psychologists with an interest in verbal development. The most interesting thing about her was her indescribable abilities to communicate non-verbally. There were several instances where, when in public, complete strangers would give her or her care-givers toys, etc, without having been asked. It's like Genie had an ability to draw people to her. Ahh, psychology.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get In the Kitchen...

I noticed lately that I use the phrase "best day ever" a lot, which unfortunately I've realized is not only redundant but also makes me sound slightly like a valley girl. One (and by "one" I mean "I") might argue that I'm simply living life as it should be lived, every day better than the last...but I digress.
So maybe I don't say today is the best day ever, but rather I will infer that it's the most comical combination of days I've seen yet. For today is National Sandwich Day. And in an unfortunate twist of fate that's simply too funny to be made up, it's also... National Housewives Day.

Take all the time you need before continuing reading. I myself took about 5 minutes before I stopped laughing and making woman jokes in my head.

Let's begin with the sandwich, shall we? Named after, the one the only, John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was a pretty avid gambler. During one particularly long and intense game of cards he ordered a servant to bring him some meat between two pieces of bread; he wouldn't have to stop the game, he wouldn't be distracted by eating and he could hold it in one hand. Perfect. He began eating this kind of meal a lot and it became known as the sandwich soon after his buddies jumped on the bandwagon and would chime in "I'll have the same as Sandwich!"

Let's all take a moment to eat a sandwich today and pay respects to Lord Sandwich  for his charitable contribution to society that changed the world. Fun fact: the most popular sandwich in the US is none other than the hamburger, followed by chicken sandwich. But I know personally every time I eat PB&J, I'll think of you John!

 Onto a completely unrelated subject that I'm trying to make no connection too... Housewives! The reason it's annually celebrated on November 3rd is to coincide with Roseanne Barr's birthday. Funny.
The typical way to celebrate is by asking a housewife in your life not to do their regular work that day. So uh, I don't think I have a high demographic of husbands reading this blog, but just in case- Hubbies, let your wives chill today. Housewives- tell your husband to read this blog.

I wanted to leave you with this. Only because the caption to this picture was "Atheists Eat Babies" and I couldn't resist putting it here. Bah ha! Happy ( [hopefully] Healthy, Legal and Moral) Sandwich Day, everyone!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

40 States United

Some might not consider today to be the lottery of holidays, but as they say in show business- the blog must go on...

 It's the anniversary of statehood for not one, but two of my favorite Dakotas! That's right ladies and gents, on this day in history in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine, both North and South Dakota were established as the 39th and 40th States of the Union.

Now I'm not Dakota Fanning, but I am a fan of Dakota.

Okay, that's all I have for today...

Tune in tomorrow for a (hopefully) more interesting ramble on the origins of the sandwich.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saints and Great-grandmothers

Today is all about dead people. Awesome. Let's dive right in...

As mentioned in yesterday's blog, today is All Saints Day. It's a day to celebrate the Saints, all the Saints. All 10,000 + Saints, known and unknown. Most are martyrs, which explains the outrageously high number. Not all of them are the Apostle Paul, or Mother Teresa. But all of them have done something courageous, impressive and outstanding for the furthering of the kingdom. All have answered God's sometimes scary call, and have lived (sometimes died) for their faith. Cheers to you.
Honoring martyrs started as early as 100 AD, quickly became a very important Jewish tradition and remains a big holiday for Catholics and certain protestants today.

Today's also Día de los Muertos, which is a day of celebrating those who have past, mostly relatives, ancestors and friends. It's celebrated mostly in Mexico, some in a few other Latin countries. They have parades, prepare elaborate meals and...spend the night in graveyards. They place little alters by graves- food, marigolds, maybe something belonging to the deceased like a ring or shirt, and a photo.
It sounds a little morbid, but it's not a sad night. It's a celebration. Stories, jokes, memories, good food, creepy camping. It's part of how their culture copes with death. They fear it like we do, but instead of running away from it, they laugh in death's face. They live along side the dead.