Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get In the Kitchen...

I noticed lately that I use the phrase "best day ever" a lot, which unfortunately I've realized is not only redundant but also makes me sound slightly like a valley girl. One (and by "one" I mean "I") might argue that I'm simply living life as it should be lived, every day better than the last...but I digress.
So maybe I don't say today is the best day ever, but rather I will infer that it's the most comical combination of days I've seen yet. For today is National Sandwich Day. And in an unfortunate twist of fate that's simply too funny to be made up, it's also... National Housewives Day.

Take all the time you need before continuing reading. I myself took about 5 minutes before I stopped laughing and making woman jokes in my head.

Let's begin with the sandwich, shall we? Named after, the one the only, John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was a pretty avid gambler. During one particularly long and intense game of cards he ordered a servant to bring him some meat between two pieces of bread; he wouldn't have to stop the game, he wouldn't be distracted by eating and he could hold it in one hand. Perfect. He began eating this kind of meal a lot and it became known as the sandwich soon after his buddies jumped on the bandwagon and would chime in "I'll have the same as Sandwich!"

Let's all take a moment to eat a sandwich today and pay respects to Lord Sandwich  for his charitable contribution to society that changed the world. Fun fact: the most popular sandwich in the US is none other than the hamburger, followed by chicken sandwich. But I know personally every time I eat PB&J, I'll think of you John!

 Onto a completely unrelated subject that I'm trying to make no connection too... Housewives! The reason it's annually celebrated on November 3rd is to coincide with Roseanne Barr's birthday. Funny.
The typical way to celebrate is by asking a housewife in your life not to do their regular work that day. So uh, I don't think I have a high demographic of husbands reading this blog, but just in case- Hubbies, let your wives chill today. Housewives- tell your husband to read this blog.

I wanted to leave you with this. Only because the caption to this picture was "Atheists Eat Babies" and I couldn't resist putting it here. Bah ha! Happy ( [hopefully] Healthy, Legal and Moral) Sandwich Day, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. he he. Why isn't it 'eat a baby day'? Anywho that was "the best blog ever". I thought 'National sandwich day' was actually 2 days prior on halloween? You know, the day the witch ate a piece of sand for the first time....Sandwich. Wait! I know that guy in the the picture and he is a vegetarian!!! well if the baby in brain dead than I guess its ok....because it would then be a vegetable....anywho.
